Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Monday, October 13, 2014
Network Marketing Prospecting: Their First Impression
When you are network marketing prospecting, are you considering one of the most important factors of network marketing prospecting? That is, are you considering your first impression you make on a prospect? Learn why it is more important than ever, to make a great first impression while you are network marketing prospecting.
Why worry with a first impression?
Because the truth is, most people will have made their minds up about you within the first few seconds of meeting you. It is important that you have them make thier minds up in your favor, by giving a first impression.
I explain several tips on network marketing prospecting on my official website JayeCarden.com, and the latest tip for network marketing prospecting is on a person's first impression. I also explained some examples of how you can better your results when network marketing prospecting with first impressions.
Think of all the times your network marketing prospect told you they would come to a presentation and never showed up when you called? This is an example of how first impressions will have authority over the outcome of your network marketing prospecting.
Some of the keys I focus on at my webiste JayeCarden.com is the "Dress For Success" motto. This is what you need to do when talking with other professionals who dress for their profession. If a person doesn't wear nice clothes, perhaps you shouldn't go in a suit and tie, because you appear to be "not compatable" with them, perhaps too sales like.
Shoot over to JayeCarden.com to get the full article on "Network Marketing Prospecting: Their First Impression" and be sure to leave a comment below if this has helped spark an idea for you.
Be sure to get registered for free gifts, daily tips, and weekly mastermind trainings so you can take your network marketing business to the next level. Use the form at the top right of this page, and you will recieve the most value of any giveaway in our industry!
photo by Stuart Miles/courtesy of FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Why worry with a first impression?
Because the truth is, most people will have made their minds up about you within the first few seconds of meeting you. It is important that you have them make thier minds up in your favor, by giving a first impression.
I explain several tips on network marketing prospecting on my official website JayeCarden.com, and the latest tip for network marketing prospecting is on a person's first impression. I also explained some examples of how you can better your results when network marketing prospecting with first impressions.
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Think of all the times your network marketing prospect told you they would come to a presentation and never showed up when you called? This is an example of how first impressions will have authority over the outcome of your network marketing prospecting.
Some of the keys I focus on at my webiste JayeCarden.com is the "Dress For Success" motto. This is what you need to do when talking with other professionals who dress for their profession. If a person doesn't wear nice clothes, perhaps you shouldn't go in a suit and tie, because you appear to be "not compatable" with them, perhaps too sales like.
Shoot over to JayeCarden.com to get the full article on "Network Marketing Prospecting: Their First Impression" and be sure to leave a comment below if this has helped spark an idea for you.
Be sure to get registered for free gifts, daily tips, and weekly mastermind trainings so you can take your network marketing business to the next level. Use the form at the top right of this page, and you will recieve the most value of any giveaway in our industry!
photo by Stuart Miles/courtesy of FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Monday, October 6, 2014
Tips For Email Marketing: 5 Basic Tips That Work
Are you wanting to get better results from your email marketing? Would you like to get more open rates, clicks, and conversions? If so, then these 5 basic tips for email marketing can help you get those ratios up much faster.
The 5 basic tips for email marketing will help you in your email marketing campaigns. The 5 basic tips are as follows:
1. Use Creative Subject Line:
Using a creative subject line when you send your emails out to your list. Remember that the money is in the list, but by using subject lines that are all sale and no value, the list will unsubscribe quickly. Be sure to use the 80/20 rule, which is 80% value, and 20% sales. This is the first step to increasing the open rates.
2. Keep It Short and Sweet:
No one has the time to read extremly long emails. They are needing to move on quickly. By keeping it short and to the point you will see more people actually reading your emails. This also helps to increase clicks, and prevent unsubscribers.
3. Put A Link Up Top:
Remember the tips for email marketing that suggests you keep emails short? Even then many may not completely read the email. So it is wise to describe the purpose of the email in one or two sentences and have a link near the top for those who just want to click. Placing the only link low, may prevent many from ever seeing it in time. It's okay to put more links throughout the body, just remember the further down the email, the less people are seeing it.
4. Don't Over Send
Sending to many emails will cause a higher unsubscriber rate. This tip for email marketing is to email about once a day, and 2 to 4 times tops on any special day with an event. But be sure to not email more than once a day most days, or people may get tired of your emails.
5. Don't Under Send
Just like the tips for email marketing on over sending, under sending can be just as bad. People forget who they subscribe to quickly. So if you under send you may see a high unsubscribing rate when you finally send the email. They either don't remember you, or feel you are not giving out enough value to continue with you.
Be sure to comment below and share if you found value in these tips for email marketing. Be sure to also share with your team so they can improve their email marketing campaigns.
The 5 basic tips for email marketing will help you in your email marketing campaigns. The 5 basic tips are as follows:
1. Use Creative Subject Line:
Using a creative subject line when you send your emails out to your list. Remember that the money is in the list, but by using subject lines that are all sale and no value, the list will unsubscribe quickly. Be sure to use the 80/20 rule, which is 80% value, and 20% sales. This is the first step to increasing the open rates.
2. Keep It Short and Sweet:
No one has the time to read extremly long emails. They are needing to move on quickly. By keeping it short and to the point you will see more people actually reading your emails. This also helps to increase clicks, and prevent unsubscribers.
3. Put A Link Up Top:
Remember the tips for email marketing that suggests you keep emails short? Even then many may not completely read the email. So it is wise to describe the purpose of the email in one or two sentences and have a link near the top for those who just want to click. Placing the only link low, may prevent many from ever seeing it in time. It's okay to put more links throughout the body, just remember the further down the email, the less people are seeing it.
4. Don't Over Send
Sending to many emails will cause a higher unsubscriber rate. This tip for email marketing is to email about once a day, and 2 to 4 times tops on any special day with an event. But be sure to not email more than once a day most days, or people may get tired of your emails.
5. Don't Under Send
Just like the tips for email marketing on over sending, under sending can be just as bad. People forget who they subscribe to quickly. So if you under send you may see a high unsubscribing rate when you finally send the email. They either don't remember you, or feel you are not giving out enough value to continue with you.
Be sure to comment below and share if you found value in these tips for email marketing. Be sure to also share with your team so they can improve their email marketing campaigns.
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